Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Benefits Mahogany
Mahogany, has a Latin name mahagoni Swietenia Jacq., A tree can be found growing wild in the forests of teak and other ternpat places close to the beach, or planted by the roadside as shade trees.
Plants originally from the West Indies, can thrive if grown in brackish sand close to shore.
Mahogany including tree species, with an annual age, height between 5 and 25 meters, rooted upside, rounded trunk, many branches and the wood sap.
The leaves are compound pinnate leaf even-numbered, strands of oval shaped leaves, pointed tip and base, flat edge, bone pinnate, length 3 to 15 cm. The young leaves are red, the color is dark green.
Mahogany flowers are arranged in compound interest essay leaves out of the armpit. flower mother cylindrical, light brown color. The petals off one another, shaped like spoons, green color.
Cylindrical-shaped flower, yellow brown, stamens attached to the crown, the head of a white sari and golden brown.
New mahogany flowering after 7 years of age. The fruit-shaped box, oval, grooved five, the color brown. Seeds of this plant-shaped flat, black or brown color.
He is a producer of hardwood trees and used for household furniture and engraving. Propagation is by seed tree.
Curable disease from Mahogany include high blood pressure (hypertension), Lack of appetite, fever, Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), Cold, Ekzema, and Rheumatism.
Mahogany utilization on the seeds, dried and finely ground into powder. Its use is to drink 1 / 2 teaspoon of seeds that have been finely ground into powder. If you want to try it as a drug, use the following instructions:
1. Hypertension:
a. Prepare 8 grams of fresh beans, and brewed with 2 cups hot water. Once cool, filtered and then divided into 2 parts. Drink every morning and evening.
b. Prepare 1 / 2 teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany, and is brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while warm, apply 2-3 times a day.
2. Diabetes:
Prepare 1 / 2 teaspoon powdered acorns, and then brewed with 1 / 3 cup hot water. Drunk while warm, 30 minutes before eating. Do it 2-3 times a day.
3. Poor appetite:
Prepare 1 / 2 teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany, and is brewed with 1 / 3 cup hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while warm, apply 2-3 times a day.
4. Fever, a cold:
Prepare 1 / 2 teaspoon powdered acorns, and then brewed with 1 / 4 cup hot water, then add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drunk while warm, apply 2-3 times a day.
Chemical from Mahogany include saponins and flavonoida.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Know Your Benefits Broken Bones
Broken Bones (Eupharbia tirucalli L.) is a plant originating from tropical Africa is like an open place exposed to direct sunlight. In Indonesia planted as a hedge plant, potted plants, or grow wild and can be found from the lowlands to 600 m above sea level.
Shrubs, growing up, 2-6 m tall, woody base, much branched, milky sap is poisonous. Stalks after growing about 1 inch will be located forked cross, and so on so that it looked like the branching broken.
Fracture has a round cylindrical-shaped twig pencils, finely grooved lengthwise, green color. The leaves are rare, there are at the end of the young twigs, small, lancet shaped, 7-25 mm long, fast fall.
Flowers are tip of the rod, a compound that is composed of interest such as bowls, greenish yellow color. The fruit when ripe will burst and throw the seeds. Besides being used as a medicinal plant, known also branches and twigs that have been dried can be burned away when mosquitoes.
Resin is used to poison fish so easily caught, but dangerous if the eye can cause blindness. In Java, these plants rarely flowered. Perbanyakannya can be done by stem cuttings
The use of broken bones for medicine can be done in the following ways:
Punctured skin with thorns, broken glass, etc.
Parts of the body where the skin pierced with thorns or broken glass plant sap is applied. Sap it will issue itself thorns from the skin.
Calluses (clavus), warts
1 / 2 kg of branches and twigs broken bones after boiling washed with water until 4 iiter remaining 2 liters. Parts of the body where the skin is thickened or soaked in water Her Corns godokan earlier while still warm, for 1 / 2 hours. After drying, apply a param trusi made from finely ground which has been mixed with egg white, then bandaged.
Broken bones (fractures)
a. The skin over the broken bone rubbed with the sap of the plant.
b. Limb epidermis soft ground fractures, Paste on the broken bone, and then bandaged.
c. 3 / 4 cell plant stems and leaves, 1 handful of leaves srigi, washed and then ground smooth, Ramas with 4 tablespoons salt water, warmed briefly. Used to plaster the broken parts of the body, then wrapped in leaves of daffodils / skin cottonwoods. Replaced 2 times a day.
1 / 2 handful of broken bones, 1 / 2 gadung fist china, washed and finely crushed. Toss well with 1 tablespoon of fruit sap gondang and 2 tablespoons of papaya latex young, this potion is used to grease and diseased skin plaster. Apply 2 times a day.
Membasar mole and itching
Mole rubbed with lime juice, then with cotton lubricated with sap droppings lalatnya fractures. Do this several times a day, when it is dry repeated. Be careful not to catch the eye.
A few drops of resin fracture. with a clean cotton wool lubricated with a sore tooth and the hole. Do it 1-2 times a day, being careful not until about healthy teeth. Note: Sap dangerous for the eyes, can cause blindness. When the sap into the eyes, quickly rinsed with water coconut / coconut milk.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Shrubs, growing up, 2-6 m tall, woody base, much branched, milky sap is poisonous. Stalks after growing about 1 inch will be located forked cross, and so on so that it looked like the branching broken.
Fracture has a round cylindrical-shaped twig pencils, finely grooved lengthwise, green color. The leaves are rare, there are at the end of the young twigs, small, lancet shaped, 7-25 mm long, fast fall.
Flowers are tip of the rod, a compound that is composed of interest such as bowls, greenish yellow color. The fruit when ripe will burst and throw the seeds. Besides being used as a medicinal plant, known also branches and twigs that have been dried can be burned away when mosquitoes.
Resin is used to poison fish so easily caught, but dangerous if the eye can cause blindness. In Java, these plants rarely flowered. Perbanyakannya can be done by stem cuttings
The use of broken bones for medicine can be done in the following ways:
Punctured skin with thorns, broken glass, etc.
Parts of the body where the skin pierced with thorns or broken glass plant sap is applied. Sap it will issue itself thorns from the skin.
Calluses (clavus), warts
1 / 2 kg of branches and twigs broken bones after boiling washed with water until 4 iiter remaining 2 liters. Parts of the body where the skin is thickened or soaked in water Her Corns godokan earlier while still warm, for 1 / 2 hours. After drying, apply a param trusi made from finely ground which has been mixed with egg white, then bandaged.
Broken bones (fractures)
a. The skin over the broken bone rubbed with the sap of the plant.
b. Limb epidermis soft ground fractures, Paste on the broken bone, and then bandaged.
c. 3 / 4 cell plant stems and leaves, 1 handful of leaves srigi, washed and then ground smooth, Ramas with 4 tablespoons salt water, warmed briefly. Used to plaster the broken parts of the body, then wrapped in leaves of daffodils / skin cottonwoods. Replaced 2 times a day.
1 / 2 handful of broken bones, 1 / 2 gadung fist china, washed and finely crushed. Toss well with 1 tablespoon of fruit sap gondang and 2 tablespoons of papaya latex young, this potion is used to grease and diseased skin plaster. Apply 2 times a day.
Membasar mole and itching
Mole rubbed with lime juice, then with cotton lubricated with sap droppings lalatnya fractures. Do this several times a day, when it is dry repeated. Be careful not to catch the eye.
A few drops of resin fracture. with a clean cotton wool lubricated with a sore tooth and the hole. Do it 1-2 times a day, being careful not until about healthy teeth. Note: Sap dangerous for the eyes, can cause blindness. When the sap into the eyes, quickly rinsed with water coconut / coconut milk.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Know Your Benefits Princess Malu
Mimosa pudica (Mimosa pudica Linn.) Growing on the roadside, the field, fast breeding, growing to sleep on the ground, sometimes erect. Stems round, hairy and prickly.
Small leaves are composed of multiple, oval shape with a pointed tip, green color (there is a reddish color). When the leaves will close touch (sensitive plant). Globe flower, pink, stemmed.
Local name of this plant include the Princess of shame, the shock, fall down get up, be surprised, xiu Han cao (China).
There are several diseases that can be treated by this plant, namely:
- It's hard to sleep (Insomnia),
- Bronchitis,
- High Heat,
- Herpes,
- Rheumatic,
- Parasitic Worms.
Utilization of plant variety embarrassed daughter. The part used is the leaves, roots, whole plants, fresh or dried. Rule usage is 15 to 60 grams, boiled. As for external use: wounds, dermatitis bemanah (piodermi), herpes is a fresh crop crushed, placed in a hospital.
Here's an example usage of this plant for the treatment of:
1. Insomnia:
a. To treat insomnia, as much as 30-60 grams shy daughter leaves the water is boiled and drunk.
b. It could also by mixing 15 grams of leaves shy daughter with 15 grams of mustard leaves the sky (vemonia cinerea) and 30 grams of leaves and then boiled calincing. The water is then drunk.
2. Chronic bronchitis:
a. To treat bronchitis, the root of the daughter of 60 grams 600 cc of shame mixed with water, then boiled with a small flame so that a 200 cc. Then the water is divided to two drinks ..
b. 30 grams of Mimosa pudica, Roots peristrophe roxburghiana 10 grams, both boiled, divided into 2 doses / day.
3. Cough with sputum many:
Whereas for patients with cough with sputum many, the root of the daughter of shame and 10-15 grams of boiled water to drink.
4. Ascariasis:
Mimosa pudica 15 to 30 grams boiled, then the water was drunk.
5. Rheumatik:
15 grams of Mimosa pudica root soaked in 500 cc of white wine for 2 weeks. Then placed in a hospital.
There's more embarrassed daughter benefits, including merit to overcome malaria. Nutritious roots and seeds to induce vomiting. Chinese medical experts and research indicate the U.S. and Indonesia, this plant can be used to treat various other diseases, such as acute inflammation of the eyes, bladder stones, high temperature in children, and herpes.
Only use the root of shame daughter in high doses can cause poisoning and vomiting. Pregnant women are also forbidden to drink potions because it could harm a fetus.
Chemical properties and pharmacological effects is Sweet, astringen, rather cold. Tranquilizers (tranquiliser), sedative, peluruh sputum (expectorant), anti-cough (antitusive), fever (antipiretic), anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), peluruh urine (diuretic). Chemical plants is Mimosine.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Small leaves are composed of multiple, oval shape with a pointed tip, green color (there is a reddish color). When the leaves will close touch (sensitive plant). Globe flower, pink, stemmed.
Local name of this plant include the Princess of shame, the shock, fall down get up, be surprised, xiu Han cao (China).
There are several diseases that can be treated by this plant, namely:
- It's hard to sleep (Insomnia),
- Bronchitis,
- High Heat,
- Herpes,
- Rheumatic,
- Parasitic Worms.
Utilization of plant variety embarrassed daughter. The part used is the leaves, roots, whole plants, fresh or dried. Rule usage is 15 to 60 grams, boiled. As for external use: wounds, dermatitis bemanah (piodermi), herpes is a fresh crop crushed, placed in a hospital.
Here's an example usage of this plant for the treatment of:
1. Insomnia:
a. To treat insomnia, as much as 30-60 grams shy daughter leaves the water is boiled and drunk.
b. It could also by mixing 15 grams of leaves shy daughter with 15 grams of mustard leaves the sky (vemonia cinerea) and 30 grams of leaves and then boiled calincing. The water is then drunk.
2. Chronic bronchitis:
a. To treat bronchitis, the root of the daughter of 60 grams 600 cc of shame mixed with water, then boiled with a small flame so that a 200 cc. Then the water is divided to two drinks ..
b. 30 grams of Mimosa pudica, Roots peristrophe roxburghiana 10 grams, both boiled, divided into 2 doses / day.
3. Cough with sputum many:
Whereas for patients with cough with sputum many, the root of the daughter of shame and 10-15 grams of boiled water to drink.
4. Ascariasis:
Mimosa pudica 15 to 30 grams boiled, then the water was drunk.
5. Rheumatik:
15 grams of Mimosa pudica root soaked in 500 cc of white wine for 2 weeks. Then placed in a hospital.
There's more embarrassed daughter benefits, including merit to overcome malaria. Nutritious roots and seeds to induce vomiting. Chinese medical experts and research indicate the U.S. and Indonesia, this plant can be used to treat various other diseases, such as acute inflammation of the eyes, bladder stones, high temperature in children, and herpes.
Only use the root of shame daughter in high doses can cause poisoning and vomiting. Pregnant women are also forbidden to drink potions because it could harm a fetus.
Chemical properties and pharmacological effects is Sweet, astringen, rather cold. Tranquilizers (tranquiliser), sedative, peluruh sputum (expectorant), anti-cough (antitusive), fever (antipiretic), anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), peluruh urine (diuretic). Chemical plants is Mimosine.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Know Your Benefits Cassava
Cassava (Manihot esculenta) plants including software trunked tree or brittle (easily broken).
Trunked round and jagged occurred from the former base of the petiole, the middle and bergabus including higher plants. These plants can reach 1-4 meters. Maintenance is easy and productive.
Can thrive in areas berketinggian 1200 meters above sea level. The leaves have long stems and resemble strands of palm leaves, and each stem has a leaf about 3-8 pieces. The petiole is yellow, green or red.
The utilization of cassava for the drug could be done in the following ways:
a. 5 pieces of sweet potato leaves, 1 / 4 teaspoon whiting, ground fine and used as a powder / sleep on the affected part.
b. 1 slice of boiled sweet potato sticks with 5 cups water to boiling down to 4 cups, then filtered to take water. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
a. 1 piece of cassava leaf stem with 3 cups boiling water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
b. 3 pieces of sweet potato leaves, finely ground and used as a compress.
3 pieces of sweet potato leaves, finely ground and used as a compress.
7 cassava leaves cooked with 4 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered to take water. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon. If the child is still nursing the diarrhea, the mother who drank.
Expel helminth
Bark is boiled with sweet taste 3 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered to take water. Taken at bedtime.
The eyes are often blurred
Cassava leaves sufficiently boiled, flavored and garlic salt to taste, eaten with rice every day.
Increase appetite
Cassava leaves to taste, boiled, flavored and garlic salt to taste. Eaten with rice and tomato sauce.
a. Trunk young leaves finely ground.
b. 1 piece of fruit grated yam, dibobokkan on the injured body part
New wound heat taxable goods
1 piece of grated cassava and squeezed to take water, and allowed a few moments until the flour in, and applied to the body part injured.
Cassava has a chemical composition (per 100 grams), among others:
- Calories 146 cal
- 1.2 grams protein
- Fat 0.3 grams
- 34.7 grams carbohydrate
- Calcium 33 mg
- Phosphorus 40 mg
- 0.7 mg iron
The fruit contains (per 100 grams):
- Vitamin B1 0.06 mg
- Vitamin C 30 mg
-, And 75% of the fruit can be eaten.
The leaves contain (per 100 grams):
- Vitamin A 11,000 SI
- Vitamin C 275 mg
- Vitamin B1 0.12 mg
- Calcium 165 mg
- Calories 73 cal
- Phosphorus 54 mg
- 6.8 grams protein
- Fat 1.2 grams
- 13 grams of carbohydrate
- 2 mg iron
-, And 87% of the leaves can be eaten.
Cassava bark contains tannin, peroxidase enzymes, glycosides and calcium oxalate.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Trunked round and jagged occurred from the former base of the petiole, the middle and bergabus including higher plants. These plants can reach 1-4 meters. Maintenance is easy and productive.
Can thrive in areas berketinggian 1200 meters above sea level. The leaves have long stems and resemble strands of palm leaves, and each stem has a leaf about 3-8 pieces. The petiole is yellow, green or red.
The utilization of cassava for the drug could be done in the following ways:
a. 5 pieces of sweet potato leaves, 1 / 4 teaspoon whiting, ground fine and used as a powder / sleep on the affected part.
b. 1 slice of boiled sweet potato sticks with 5 cups water to boiling down to 4 cups, then filtered to take water. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
a. 1 piece of cassava leaf stem with 3 cups boiling water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
b. 3 pieces of sweet potato leaves, finely ground and used as a compress.
3 pieces of sweet potato leaves, finely ground and used as a compress.
7 cassava leaves cooked with 4 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered to take water. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon. If the child is still nursing the diarrhea, the mother who drank.
Expel helminth
Bark is boiled with sweet taste 3 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered to take water. Taken at bedtime.
The eyes are often blurred
Cassava leaves sufficiently boiled, flavored and garlic salt to taste, eaten with rice every day.
Increase appetite
Cassava leaves to taste, boiled, flavored and garlic salt to taste. Eaten with rice and tomato sauce.
a. Trunk young leaves finely ground.
b. 1 piece of fruit grated yam, dibobokkan on the injured body part
New wound heat taxable goods
1 piece of grated cassava and squeezed to take water, and allowed a few moments until the flour in, and applied to the body part injured.
Cassava has a chemical composition (per 100 grams), among others:
- Calories 146 cal
- 1.2 grams protein
- Fat 0.3 grams
- 34.7 grams carbohydrate
- Calcium 33 mg
- Phosphorus 40 mg
- 0.7 mg iron
The fruit contains (per 100 grams):
- Vitamin B1 0.06 mg
- Vitamin C 30 mg
-, And 75% of the fruit can be eaten.
The leaves contain (per 100 grams):
- Vitamin A 11,000 SI
- Vitamin C 275 mg
- Vitamin B1 0.12 mg
- Calcium 165 mg
- Calories 73 cal
- Phosphorus 54 mg
- 6.8 grams protein
- Fat 1.2 grams
- 13 grams of carbohydrate
- 2 mg iron
-, And 87% of the leaves can be eaten.
Cassava bark contains tannin, peroxidase enzymes, glycosides and calcium oxalate.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Know Your Benefits Celery
Celery (Apium graveolens) can grow well in low or high. This plant as a vegetable dikatageorikan.
Plantations in Indonesia are in Brastagi, North Sumatra and West Java scattered in Pacet, PANGALENGAN and the berhawa Cipanas cool. Berbonggol plants and has a wet bar of this compound, can basically be divided into several types and include the tuber can be eaten.
Celery leaf in Indonesia used to supplementary vegetables (eg, for soup). For the ancient Romans used this plant as a bouquet of flowers.
According to the botanical historian, the leaves have been used as a vegetable or XZII century in 1640, and recognized as a medicinal plant new scientifically in 1942. This plant breeding can be used 2 ways, namely through the seeds or the mass transfer of the child.
Local name of this plant include:
- Celery (UK),
- Celeri (France),
- Celery (Italy),
- Selinon, Parsley (Germany),
- Celery (Indonesia),
- Sledri (Java),
- Saledri (Sunda);
There are several diseases that can be treated by this plant, including the hypertension, eye pain, and rheumatism.
Utilization of celery for treatment are as follows:
1. Hypertension
Prepare the celery leaves to taste. How to make a leaf pressed with enough cooking water and then filtered. As for how to use it is to be taken 3 times a day 2 tablespoons, and done regularly.
You need to know, if the excessive use can be dangerous!
2. Useful for drugs that have the efficacy eyes the pain of dry eyes.
Prepare 2 stalks celery, 2 stalks of spinach leaves, 1 sprig basil leaves. How to make it is by mixing all the ingredients, then mashed together and brewed with 1 cup hot water and filtered. As for how to use it is the usual drink.
3. Rheumatic
Prepare 1 stalk celery leaves. As for how to use it is eaten as Lalapan every meal.
There are other benefits other than. Sledri also believed to be the prevention of breast cancer, kidney failure, and for dental health. Benefits will be felt much quicker if we regularly eat raw.
By chewing celery we will have 2 benefits:
1. When chewed substance in the leaves will be massaging the gums, our gums.
2. Calcium in these leaves can help strengthen teeth.
He was also able to neutralize the pungent spices like garlic.
Celery has many nutrients, among others, (per 100 gr):
a. calories by 20 calories,
b. 1 gram protein
c. 0.1 grams fat
d. 4.6 grams carbohydrate
e. 50 mg calcium
f. phosphorus 40 mg
g. 1 mg iron
h. Vitamin A 130 SI
i. Vitamin B1 0.03 mg
j. Vitamin C 11 mg and 63% of edible parts.
Celery leaves apiin also contains, in addition to a diuretic substance is useful to increase the amount of urine.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Know Your Benefits Pare
Pare (Momordica charantia L.) are common in tropical areas, grows well in lowland and can be found growing wild in wastelands, fields, cultivated or planted in the garden with the fence dirambatkan, to take the fruit.
These plants do not need much sun, so that can thrive in places somewhat protected. Crops a year, creeping or climbing by means of tendrils pembelit or spiral-shaped, much branched, smelled bad.
Leaves of wild-growing pare, called tundung leaves. This leaves more efficacious say when used for treatment. Leaves and young fruits are eaten as raw or after lalab first steamed, cooked as a vegetable, stir fry, fried sambal, gado-gado, and so on. These plants can also be used to kill insects. Propagation by seed.
For treatment, you can try the following ways:
Thirsty from the heat in, fever, heat stroke
One fruit pare fresh raw washed, and then split. Discard the contents, cut into pieces to taste, boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks.
a. 200 g of fresh fruit is washed and then blended. Add enough water, wring it out with a piece of cloth to collect as many as 50 ml (quarter cup). Lemon warmed gently for 15-30 minutes. After a cold drink, do every day.
b. Pare 200 g washed and thinly sliced. Boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks, do every day.
Washed and fresh fruit cut open, its contents removed. Grated or dijuice, water to drink. Immediately drink boiled water. One drink 200 cc.
Amoebic dysentery, diarrhea
Take root fresh pare as much as 30 g. Washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boiled with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, add sugar to taste and drink.
Intestinal worms in children
a. Fresh leaves of 7 g, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water. After chilling filtered, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir until evenly distributed, drinking well before breakfast.
b. Take two to three seed crops. Grind until smooth, stirring with a little cooking water. Drink, followed by drinking warm water. This concoction for treatment of roundworms.
Fertilize thin hair and ruddy
a. Pare a handful of leaves, wash out, mashed up like mush, add water 3 / 4 cup. This potion then condensed overnight. Early in the morning this concoction filtered, the water used to wash the scalp.
b. Fresh leaves washed well enough, mash until smooth, squeeze a piece of cloth. The water used to grease the scalp. Do it every day. This herb is used primarily for infants and toddlers.
Boils, abscesses
Pare a handful of leaves, washed, boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks.
Fever, malaria, liver pain, constipation, intestinal worms
Handful of washed leaves, finely mashed. Add 1 cup of boiled water, stir thoroughly and then filtered. Air filter to add a little salt, drink in the morning before eating.
Pare 6 leaves, roots jayanti 2 finger, 2 finger skin frangipani, ginger rhizome 1 finger, 3 finger palm sugar, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Simmer with 4 cups.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
These plants do not need much sun, so that can thrive in places somewhat protected. Crops a year, creeping or climbing by means of tendrils pembelit or spiral-shaped, much branched, smelled bad.
Leaves of wild-growing pare, called tundung leaves. This leaves more efficacious say when used for treatment. Leaves and young fruits are eaten as raw or after lalab first steamed, cooked as a vegetable, stir fry, fried sambal, gado-gado, and so on. These plants can also be used to kill insects. Propagation by seed.
For treatment, you can try the following ways:
Thirsty from the heat in, fever, heat stroke
One fruit pare fresh raw washed, and then split. Discard the contents, cut into pieces to taste, boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks.
a. 200 g of fresh fruit is washed and then blended. Add enough water, wring it out with a piece of cloth to collect as many as 50 ml (quarter cup). Lemon warmed gently for 15-30 minutes. After a cold drink, do every day.
b. Pare 200 g washed and thinly sliced. Boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks, do every day.
Washed and fresh fruit cut open, its contents removed. Grated or dijuice, water to drink. Immediately drink boiled water. One drink 200 cc.
Amoebic dysentery, diarrhea
Take root fresh pare as much as 30 g. Washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boiled with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, add sugar to taste and drink.
Intestinal worms in children
a. Fresh leaves of 7 g, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water. After chilling filtered, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir until evenly distributed, drinking well before breakfast.
b. Take two to three seed crops. Grind until smooth, stirring with a little cooking water. Drink, followed by drinking warm water. This concoction for treatment of roundworms.
Fertilize thin hair and ruddy
a. Pare a handful of leaves, wash out, mashed up like mush, add water 3 / 4 cup. This potion then condensed overnight. Early in the morning this concoction filtered, the water used to wash the scalp.
b. Fresh leaves washed well enough, mash until smooth, squeeze a piece of cloth. The water used to grease the scalp. Do it every day. This herb is used primarily for infants and toddlers.
Boils, abscesses
Pare a handful of leaves, washed, boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks.
Fever, malaria, liver pain, constipation, intestinal worms
Handful of washed leaves, finely mashed. Add 1 cup of boiled water, stir thoroughly and then filtered. Air filter to add a little salt, drink in the morning before eating.
Pare 6 leaves, roots jayanti 2 finger, 2 finger skin frangipani, ginger rhizome 1 finger, 3 finger palm sugar, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Simmer with 4 cups.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Know Your Benefits Papaya
Papaya (carica papaya) is a trunked plants upright and wet. These plants like palms, white flowers and ripe fruits reddish yellow, taste like melon. Tree height can reach 8 to 10 meters with strong roots. Strand leaves resemble human hands.
If the leaves are folded in half right in the middle, would appear that the leaves are symmetrical. Cavity within the star-shaped fruit if cross-sectional dipoting fruit. This plant is also cultivated in gardens for its fruit, fresh and nutritious.
The use of papaya to the drug can use the following ways:
Kidney stones
- First Day, 3 pieces of fresh leaves boiled in water sufficiently, then it leaves the cooking water to drink 1 cup at a time.
- Day Two, 5 pieces of fresh leaves boiled in water sufficiently, then leaves the cooking water to drink 1 cup at a time.
- Third Day, 7 pieces of fresh leaves boiled in water sufficiently, then leaves the cooking water to drink 1 cup at a time.
- To close it added to drinking water of young coconut (degan = Java), which is selected from green coconuts.
Note: for those suffering from hypertension should not be drinking this recipe.
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
2 pieces of papaya roots boiled with 1 liter of water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Taken 2 times a day 1 cup
1 papaya leaves, rotten tempeh for the thumb, salt, ground smooth, then squeezed and filtered to take water. Taken 1 time a day for 7 consecutive days.
Lack of breastfeeding
Fruit is still green (young) without hulled split into 2 parts, some boiled with water and some others use vinegar. The cooking water to drink 2-3 teaspoons per day and carried out regularly.
Sick Keputihan
Papaya leaves 1 finely chopped, then boiled with 1 piece of grass roots weeds, fennel pulosari sufficiently with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and filtered. 1 drink 1 cup a day and carried out regularly.
a. Penampangnya cut fruit. 2 chicken eggs inserted through a hole in the papaya that has been made by cutting cross-section earlier, closed meetings and burned until the eggs are cooked in it. The ripe eggs are eaten in the morning and afternoon
b. 2 pieces of plant roots, leaves 1 sheet of finely ground, then boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling and filtered. 1 times daily drink 1 cup in the afternoon.
Malnutrition (lack of symptoms one food substance in toddlers)
a. 2 pieces of papaya leaf, petiole 3 dadap spare, enough whiting. All materials are ground together until smooth, used as a powder and applied to a sick toddler stomach.
b. 1 papaya leaves, boiled with 1.5 cups water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Toddler drink to 2 tablespoons each day.
Urinary disorders
3 pieces of papaya roots boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling water, then filtered. 1 times daily drink half a glass.
Excessive Menstruation
Papaya fruit is still green (young) boiled with water until cooked and eaten his flesh.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
If the leaves are folded in half right in the middle, would appear that the leaves are symmetrical. Cavity within the star-shaped fruit if cross-sectional dipoting fruit. This plant is also cultivated in gardens for its fruit, fresh and nutritious.
The use of papaya to the drug can use the following ways:
Kidney stones
- First Day, 3 pieces of fresh leaves boiled in water sufficiently, then it leaves the cooking water to drink 1 cup at a time.
- Day Two, 5 pieces of fresh leaves boiled in water sufficiently, then leaves the cooking water to drink 1 cup at a time.
- Third Day, 7 pieces of fresh leaves boiled in water sufficiently, then leaves the cooking water to drink 1 cup at a time.
- To close it added to drinking water of young coconut (degan = Java), which is selected from green coconuts.
Note: for those suffering from hypertension should not be drinking this recipe.
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
2 pieces of papaya roots boiled with 1 liter of water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Taken 2 times a day 1 cup
1 papaya leaves, rotten tempeh for the thumb, salt, ground smooth, then squeezed and filtered to take water. Taken 1 time a day for 7 consecutive days.
Lack of breastfeeding
Fruit is still green (young) without hulled split into 2 parts, some boiled with water and some others use vinegar. The cooking water to drink 2-3 teaspoons per day and carried out regularly.
Sick Keputihan
Papaya leaves 1 finely chopped, then boiled with 1 piece of grass roots weeds, fennel pulosari sufficiently with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and filtered. 1 drink 1 cup a day and carried out regularly.
a. Penampangnya cut fruit. 2 chicken eggs inserted through a hole in the papaya that has been made by cutting cross-section earlier, closed meetings and burned until the eggs are cooked in it. The ripe eggs are eaten in the morning and afternoon
b. 2 pieces of plant roots, leaves 1 sheet of finely ground, then boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling and filtered. 1 times daily drink 1 cup in the afternoon.
Malnutrition (lack of symptoms one food substance in toddlers)
a. 2 pieces of papaya leaf, petiole 3 dadap spare, enough whiting. All materials are ground together until smooth, used as a powder and applied to a sick toddler stomach.
b. 1 papaya leaves, boiled with 1.5 cups water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Toddler drink to 2 tablespoons each day.
Urinary disorders
3 pieces of papaya roots boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling water, then filtered. 1 times daily drink half a glass.
Excessive Menstruation
Papaya fruit is still green (young) boiled with water until cooked and eaten his flesh.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Knowing Khasiat Cats Whisker
Mustache Cat (Orthosiphon aristatus (B1) Miq.), Is Herbaceous plant, grows upright, rooted at the bottom of the books, 1-2 m high, stems slightly grooved rectangle, short hair or bald.
Single leaf, oval, round eggs, lancet or rhombus, fluffy, rough serrated edge is irregular, the two-spotted surface because there are essential oil glands.
Bunches of flowers that come out at the end of branches, pale purple color, or white (the color is blue and white), the longer stamens of the flower tube. Geluk fruit dark brown color. Grow in low altitude and area were.
Cats Whisker Growing Conditions:
a. Climate
1. Elevation: 500 m - 900 m above sea level
2. Annual rainfall: 3000 mm / year
3. Wet months (above 100 mm / month): 7 months - 9 months
4. Dry months (below 60 mm / month): 3 months - 5 months
5. Air temperature: 280C - 340C
6. Humidity: moderate
7. Radiation: high
b. Ground
1. Type: andosol, latosol
2. Tekstrur: sandy loam
3. Drainage: well
4. Ground water depth: 70 cm above the ground
5. Rooting depth: 30 cm - 60 cm from the ground
6. Acidity (pH): 5 to 7
7. Fertility: moderate - high
In general, cats whiskers plants propagated by stem cuttings or branch cuttings. Select the trunk or branch that is not too old, then cut into slips, cuttings measuring 15 cm long - 25 cm or beruas about 2 books - 3 books.
Stek seedlings can be planted directly in the garden as deep as 5 cm, then padatkan soil around the base of cuttings, with a spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm, 40 cm x 40 cm, 40 cm x 50 cm and 60 cm x 60 cm
Local name of this plant include:
* Mustache cat, big Mamang (Indonesia);
* Kutun, mamam, spider flower (Java);
* Mao Xu Cao (China).
There are several diseases that can be cured from the cat's whiskers kidney infection, bladder infection, urine stones, Gout; Peluruh urine, eliminating hot and humid
Utilization of the cat's whiskers on the whole plant, wet or dry (dianginkan first, and then dried in the hot sun). The utility can be to treat:
1. Kidney infection (acute and chronic nephritis), bladder infection (Cystitis).
2. Sick bladder stones.
3. Gout (Gout arthritis).
4. Peluruh urine (diuretic).
5. Eliminate hot and humid.
Cat whiskers usage is: 30 - 60 gr. (dry) or 90 to 120 g (wet) boiled, or a dry / wet is brewed as a tea.
Here's how to use that you can try:
Nephritis, edema (swelling)
Mustache cat 30 gr, 30 gr leaf veins, grass snake tongue 30 grams, it all boiled.
Urinary tract infections, frequent urination in small increments (Anyang-anyangan) Mustache cat, Meniran, Commelina communis, each 30 grams, boiled.
The cat's whiskers composition, chemical properties and pharmacological effects: Sweet little bitter, cool, anti-inflammatory, peluruh urine, urinary tract stones destroyed. chemical content, among others Orthosiphon glycosides, tannin substances, essential oils, fatty oils, saponins, sapofonin, potassium salts, myoinositol.
Single leaf, oval, round eggs, lancet or rhombus, fluffy, rough serrated edge is irregular, the two-spotted surface because there are essential oil glands.
Bunches of flowers that come out at the end of branches, pale purple color, or white (the color is blue and white), the longer stamens of the flower tube. Geluk fruit dark brown color. Grow in low altitude and area were.
Cats Whisker Growing Conditions:
a. Climate
1. Elevation: 500 m - 900 m above sea level
2. Annual rainfall: 3000 mm / year
3. Wet months (above 100 mm / month): 7 months - 9 months
4. Dry months (below 60 mm / month): 3 months - 5 months
5. Air temperature: 280C - 340C
6. Humidity: moderate
7. Radiation: high
b. Ground
1. Type: andosol, latosol
2. Tekstrur: sandy loam
3. Drainage: well
4. Ground water depth: 70 cm above the ground
5. Rooting depth: 30 cm - 60 cm from the ground
6. Acidity (pH): 5 to 7
7. Fertility: moderate - high
In general, cats whiskers plants propagated by stem cuttings or branch cuttings. Select the trunk or branch that is not too old, then cut into slips, cuttings measuring 15 cm long - 25 cm or beruas about 2 books - 3 books.
Stek seedlings can be planted directly in the garden as deep as 5 cm, then padatkan soil around the base of cuttings, with a spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm, 40 cm x 40 cm, 40 cm x 50 cm and 60 cm x 60 cm
Local name of this plant include:
* Mustache cat, big Mamang (Indonesia);
* Kutun, mamam, spider flower (Java);
* Mao Xu Cao (China).
There are several diseases that can be cured from the cat's whiskers kidney infection, bladder infection, urine stones, Gout; Peluruh urine, eliminating hot and humid
Utilization of the cat's whiskers on the whole plant, wet or dry (dianginkan first, and then dried in the hot sun). The utility can be to treat:
1. Kidney infection (acute and chronic nephritis), bladder infection (Cystitis).
2. Sick bladder stones.
3. Gout (Gout arthritis).
4. Peluruh urine (diuretic).
5. Eliminate hot and humid.
Cat whiskers usage is: 30 - 60 gr. (dry) or 90 to 120 g (wet) boiled, or a dry / wet is brewed as a tea.
Here's how to use that you can try:
Nephritis, edema (swelling)
Mustache cat 30 gr, 30 gr leaf veins, grass snake tongue 30 grams, it all boiled.
Urinary tract infections, frequent urination in small increments (Anyang-anyangan) Mustache cat, Meniran, Commelina communis, each 30 grams, boiled.
The cat's whiskers composition, chemical properties and pharmacological effects: Sweet little bitter, cool, anti-inflammatory, peluruh urine, urinary tract stones destroyed. chemical content, among others Orthosiphon glycosides, tannin substances, essential oils, fatty oils, saponins, sapofonin, potassium salts, myoinositol.
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
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